“time spent praying, reading the Bible, and reflecting on God’s word”
The Reason for a Devotional:
We desire to know God more deeply and intimately. This way we are able to tell others about Him, His power, and what He has done. We want all generations to come to know Him.
“We will tell the next generation, the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord… His power, and the wonders He has done. So the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children.” Psalms 78:4b,6 NIV
Setting The Stage:
We must set the stage to spend time with God everyday.
Below is a list of things you may want to have.
A quiet place where you can be alone with Him
A comfortable place to sit
A place to kneel
A note book and pen or pencil
A Bible
A Highlighter (that won’t bleed through the pages of your Bible or notebook)
Something to drink
Praise and worship music
A Devotional book. We will provide 21 Days of Devotions to help get you started .
*When this Devotional talks about God speaking to you, it will rarely be an audible voice. Normally it will be a whisper in your spirit, a thought, or a bible verse that comes to mind. Sometimes, it may just be a feeling that you need to do something or not do something. One thing is for sure; when God speaks to you it will never contradict the Bible.
Come Close:
Once you have these things, you are ready to Come Close to your Heavenly Father.
Here is a suggestion for what to do:
Start with thanking Him for what He has done for you
Worship Him for who He is to you
Read the Devotional
Ask Him for what you need. Be specific
Ask Him to speak as you read His Word (the Bible)
Spend time waiting on Him to speak to you. This will probably not be an audible voice, but He may bring a scripture or thought to your mind. Remember, anything that God says will not go against the what the Bible says.
Write down what He tells you
Reflect on what He said and then take action by changing what needs to change or doing what needs to be done
Awesome way to work daily with your devotions! Thank you so much!