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Spiritual Journey Day 8 Prayer


“Everyday they continued to meet together in temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the lord added to their numbers daily those who were being saved.”  Acts 2:46-47 NIV 



Each day we ask that your family would take time to pray that God would let you know how much you should give toward the Legacy campaign.  


Father, we have a desire to give toward this Legacy campaign. As good managers over Your money, we are asking that You would make it clear to us how much we should give. We promise that we will give how much You tell us to give. 


Once he tells you, then each day take time to thank Him for providing the resources to accomplish what he has told you to do. 


Father, we thank You that You have made it clear how much we are to give toward the LEGACY Campaign. We now thank You for providing the resources for this gift. 


Today we also ask you to be praying about the improving of the house next door, for a coffee business and gathering space for small groups. 


Father, we ask You to help all those involved in the improving of the house next door to get it ready for a coffee business. Help us to use this coffee business as a place to reach our community for Jesus. We also pray for the preparation of this new space for small groups. Father, we thank You that these will be used to facilitate spiritual growth in the body of Christ. In Jesus name we pray, amen. 

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