Groups are your gateway to relationships at Abundant Life.
With many choices for many walks of life, there is a place for you!
Let us help you find it.
Life with God is not about religion... it's about relationship. In much the same way, our lives are made up of many different relationships existing on many different levels. In contrast to a large corporate setting, smaller relational groups are invaluable in the life of a Christ follower. When we are able to connect and share with others in similar walks of life, we see transformation and growth in all involved. Whether it be a small home based LIFE GROUP, a gathering of ladies learning from one another within a LADIES' MENTOR GROUP or a topic based SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS... groups help lift us to another level.
Sunday School
Age appropriate Sunday School classes meet every Sunday at 10:30am. Adult classes are offered with varying subjects, and your children will be engaged on their level.
Life Groups
Life Groups are our age appropriate small groups that meet in homes throughout Newburgh and Evansville. ALCC Life Groups meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday evening of every month. Nursery, childcare and children's life groups are offered here on campus.
Mountain Movers
Mountain Movers is our senior adult ministry for those 50 years of age and older. This is a large, exciting and active group at ALCC! Socials, evenings out and overnight trips are common place with this great group of seniors!
Women's and Men's Ministries
The women's and men's ministries of ALCC are cross generational ministries that meet throughout the year and are involved in many different areas throughout the church. Within the ministries, there are several specific areas that you can become a part of. From monthly Ladies Mentor Groups, to weekly Men's Bible studies, you will find an area of involvement that will both challenge you spiritually and help you build lasting relationships.
Spanish Ministry
Our Spanish service is an important part of our family at ALCC. The Spanish Ministry meets on Sunday mornings at 11:15am and Wednesday evenings at 7pm in our GZ student building.
You will find many other active and thriving groups at Abundant Life. There are always places to get involved and new groups are forming all the time. If you are looking for a place to fit and belong, let us point you in the right direction. There is a place here for you!